by Joya Kagemaru(JK
ものによっては、映像が残っていたり、はたまたそうした貴重な映像がYOU TUBEにあがったりすることもあり、そうした映像に関する情報も紹介していきます。あと古くて存在すら知られていない貴重な書籍や写真の紹介なども行っていきます。
About this blog.
This is a blog to disseminate information on Japanese martial arts, martial arts and even martial arts.
Introducing various martial arts in Japan, and information on Bruce Lee, a famous Asian superstar.
I would like to introduce martial arts from various countries around the world. There, we will also pursue the history, legends, and technology of the martial arts and martial arts.
Depending on the thing, there are still images, or such precious images may appear on YOU TUBE, and we will introduce information about these images. We will also introduce precious books and photos that are not even known to exist.
We are also looking for opinions and requests from you. We are also thinking about introducing Japanese martial arts and martial arts from Japan to the world. We look forward to hearing from more people.